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Common Harbour Seals are found around coastal waters of north of both Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, Although referred to as common these are in fact rarer than grey seals that are found around the UK. You can distinguish between the two as harbour seals are smaller in size and shorter head with a more concave forehead. Common seals have V-shaped nostrils. They are very variable in colour, from blonde to black, but generally grey with dark spots.
Even though they are top hunters, seals have to be wary because they are prey for larger animals, too. Killer whales hide in the deep water where it’s too dark for most creatures to see, then they shoot upwards, hitting seals living on the surface of the water with a huge force. To avoid becoming killer whale food, seals usually swim on their backs with their eyes facing downwards so they can check for incoming whales. Swimming upside down like this also allows seals to look for the tasty fish and crustaceans they like to eat.
When they aren’t hunting or on the lookout for predators, seals try to rest so they have lots of energy. They usually nap on rocky shores in big groups, or they rest in the water. They sleep in the water by submerging their bodies under the surface, but they keep their heads in the air so they can breathe. It might sound chilly, but seals have a thick layer of blubber under their skin to keep them warm in the cold ocean.
Mammals: Large sea born predator
What do they eat?
Squid, crustaceans, molluscs and fish
Max 185cm
Water Type
Salt Water
Where are we?
Atlantic Ocean